
Oh Palestine

Our Silence to your wails is a crime
So much murder, I know it's about time
The Ummah stood up for you 
Today we are so many yet at the same time so few
For only a small portion of us, to our promises stay true
Some may wonder why about you we should care
When it takes hours and hours to reach you over there
But then we are reminded of the Prophet's (pbuh) words
That the Ummah is one body, and if one part hurts
Then the rest of the body is ailing, so rest assured:
We are here and we will stand up and be heard
Even if you can't see us
Even if you can't hear us
We are all praying for you
Don't lose hope, because we are all counting on you
And you- you are counting on Allah
And Allah never leaves the oppressor alone
Victory is soon to come
And all those who have wronged you will be overcome

Ummati, Ummati

Has Rasoolullah's cry died?
Has his beloved voice faded
Did it fail us, run away, and hide?
Nay, for a few still hear it
It is there for sure, yet so many ignore it
Are the shouts of satan more appealing?
Is the music of his beats heart-healing?
As he plots and plans
We cover our hearts, eyes, and ears with pots and pans
For surely Allah swt gifted us with them
But some can see yet they are blind
Their hearts are sick and so is their mind
You see their ears can hear, yet they cannot listen
They follow false leaders, models, and deception
When in reality these leaders will deny them after resurrection
Hurry they do after every desire
Failing to realize that satan is but a liar
What they do not notice is that there will come a day
Where regret and remorse will fill every ounce of their being
Yes, Allah is after all, All-seeing
They will be asked why they spent their days in worthless play
Why they neglected the signs and chose willingly to turn away
Was it really worth it, all that delay?
When you knew truth from falsehood all along the way?
So anyways, today, you better start thinking about tomorrow
You could surely save yourself from eternal sorrow
Because who can ensure what will happen next
Who would want to fail such an important test?
Put your trust in Allah
And follow in the footsteps of Rasoolullah

Let the Daylight Shine Again

Brothers and sisters of ours are suffering that which no human should 
They are trying to topple the tyrant king of the jungle as much as they could 
For of his rule of injustice they can handle no more 
They have tried many ways but none opened the door 
To their freedom that is 
Do they not deserve this 
Is it the reason why homes are being flooded in their owners own blood 
Indeterminate souls are being buried under mud 
Taking the lives of the future 
Murdering our people in a rupture 
Killing is his passion it seems 
Removing the sunshine, shading the sun's gleams 
Fighting like there's no tomorrow 
They are doing their best to forget the sorrow 
While we sit down complaining of our worries 
Others are taken away from their loved ones in flurries 
May God provide them with help and glory 
Let's put hand in hand and put an end to this story 

So Many Ask...
So many ask why I cover
Don't you want to be just like the others?
What do you represent?
Why do you hide your treasures under a tent?
I dress this way because of God's decree
I fashion a headscarf and dress modestly
Don't you realize that when you look at me
I am closest in resemblance to the one you call Mary
I'm free of social pressure, to God I only answer
Unlike the others who chase their desires and their lives end up in a disaster
They are taught from young to be the slaves of fashion
Their worth, they claim, is determined by how many guys fall for them, in passion
How is it that women are being liberated?
When all their worth has been dissipated
She has become a toy in the hands of men
Her body, exploited, but even then,
You still credit yourselves for giving her freedom?
How different are we now from the animal kingdom?
A passerby would frown and wonder why we're so nude
I guess the world is running out of clothing, dude
They say we must be more open, come on, be modern
But how can modern be so much like the days when humans lived in a cavern?
Uncivilized, they didn't realize that they could cover up.
But what excuse do we have, huh? Speak up!

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